DRAFT: Output Tracking vs Mocks

Published on 1 May 2024.

This is a work in progress that will change. Like to see it finished? Let me know by sending me an email.

In this blog post we’re going to explore how to write and test a Git client using the Testing Without Mocks approach. Specifically we’re going to focus on Output Tracking and explore how to apply it to this example.

Example Git client

The example Git client is a CLI-application that provides a simplified interface to Git. This represents a real world scenario yet can be made small enough for an example.

The application implements two commands:

myscm save  -> git commit

myscm share -> git push


The application consists of the following classes:

App --+--> SaveCommand --+--> Process
      |                  |
      |                  +--> Filesystem
      +--> ShareCommand ----> Process
      +--> Args
      +--> Terminal

How to test App?

We want to write sociable, state-based test.

What does that mean in the context of testing App?

Sociable means that we should use its real dependencies. That is, we should inject a real SaveCommand, ShareCommand, Args, and Terminal. We should not inject test doubles like mocks or stubs.

So the test setup will look something like this:

>>> app = App(
...     save_command=SaveCommand(...),
...     share_command=ShareCommand(...),
...     terminal=Terminal(...),
...     args=Args(...),
... )

However, if we were to invoke methods on app now, it would interact with the outside world. It would read command line arguments, execute git commands, and write to the terminal.

We don’t want to do that. It takes a long time and is brittle. We therefore inject null versions of dependencies like this:

>>> app = App(
...     save_command=SaveCommand.create_null(),
...     share_command=ShareCommand.create_null(),
...     terminal=Terminal.create_null(),
...     args=Args.create_null(),
... )

Creating a null version is exactly like creating a real version except that at the very edge of the application boundary, the communication with the outside world is turned off. We put this in a factory-method:

class App:

    def create_null(cls):
        return cls(


App has only one method, and that is run:

def run(self):

So the only test we can write is this:

>>> app = App.create_null()
>>> app.run()

There is no way to control what the command line arguments are, and there is no way to observe what the application is doing.

Here are two scenarios that would be useful to test:

In order to write those test, we need a way to control the outside world to simulate that a given set of command line arguments are present. We also need a way to observe what commands would be run (if we were not using the null-version).

We can solve the first part by passing command line arguments to simulate to create_null. The test then becomes this:

>>> app = App.create_null(args=["save", "message"])
>>> app.run()

App.create_null is modified to this:

class App:

    def create_null(cls, args):
        return cls(


Args supports configuring responses when creating the null version. In that case it would return the configured command line arguments instead of the real ones. The communication with the outside world has been turned off, and we simulate the part of the outside world that reads command line arguments from the environment.

Now we can write our two scenarios like this:

>>> app = App.create_null(args=["save", "message"])
>>> app.run()
# How to assert that "git commit" was called?

>>> app = App.create_null(args=["share"])
>>> app.run()
# How to assert that "git push" was called?

And now we come to the main topic of this blog post: output tracking.

App performs action by delegating to SaveCommand and ShareCommand. Both of them take the rest of the command line arguments and performs an action without returning anything. To observe that with output tracking, we introduce state in the commands so that we can query them and see if they were run. A slightly more elegant solution, instead of introducing state, is to fire events. Here is how we implement it in SaveCommand:

class SaveCommand(Trackable):

    def run(self, args):
        self.notify(f"SAVE_COMMAND {args!r}")

To track events, we can do this:

>>> events = Events()
>>> SaveCommand.create_null().track_events(events).run(["message"])
>>> events
SAVE_COMMAND ['message']

We use the event tracking pattern for both commands and the terminal like this:

class App:

    def create_null(cls, events, args):
        return cls(


And now we can write our tests like this:

>>> events = Events()
>>> App.create_null(events, args=["save", "message"]).run()
>>> events
SAVE_COMMAND ['message']

>>> events = Events()
>>> App.create_null(events, args=["share"]).run()
>>> events

>>> events = Events()
>>> App.create_null(events, args=["unknown", "sub", "command"]).run()
>>> events
TERMINAL_WRITE 'Unknown command.'

The implementation looks like this:

def run(self):
    args = self.args.get()
    if args[0:1] == ["save"]:
    elif args[0:1] == ["share"]:
        self.terminal.write("Unknown command.")


The tests for App are similar to end-to-end-test in that the whole stack is executed. Except right at the application boundary. So if we supply incorrect arguments to the save command for example, this test will blow up:

>>> App.create_null(Events(), args=["save"]).run()
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Expected one argument as the message, but got [].

This is overlapping, sociable testing. We are actually testing that App calls SaveCommand correctly. However, the behavior of the save command is not tested here. We only test that application parses command line arguments correctly and calls the appropriate sub-command.

The Mock version

Let’s contrast how the first test case can be written using mocks and stubs instead. Here it is again:

>>> events = Events()
>>> App.create_null(events, args=["save", "message"]).run()
>>> events
SAVE_COMMAND ['message']

And here is the mock/stub version:

>>> save_command_mock = Mock()
>>> App(
...     save_command=save_command_mock,
...     share_command=None,
...     terminal=None,
...     args=Mock(**{"get.return_value": ["save", "message"]})
... ).run()
>>> save_command_mock.run.call_args_list

The share command and terminal are not exercised in this test, so we just inject None. For args we inject a stub that is configured to return ["save", "message"] when its get method is called. For the save_command, we inject a mock. After we call the run method on the application, we assert that the run method was called on the mock with the ['message'] argument.

Let’s contrast the two assertions:

>>> events
SAVE_COMMAND ['message']

>>> save_command_mock.run.call_args_list

They look very similar. Almost to the point that output tracking feels like mocking.

But there is one crucial difference:

The mock version creates isolated tests whereas the output tracking version creates sociable tests.

We have already seen what happens in the output tracking version when we call the save command with incorrect arguments. What happens in the mock based version? It happily passes:

>>> save_command_mock = Mock()
>>> App(
...     save_command=save_command_mock,
...     share_command=None,
...     terminal=None,
...     args=Mock(**{"get.return_value": ["save"]})
... ).run()
>>> save_command_mock.run.call_args_list

To make the mock based test suite “equivalently powerful” we need to augment it with “contract tests”. In this case we need a test saying something like when the save command is called with no arguments, it does not blow up. And we have to write such tests for every example in our test suite. When we assert that a dependency is called in a certain way or returns a certain thing under certain conditions, we also have to write a contract test that checks that the dependency can actually except those arguments and return those things under said conditions. That seems like a whole lot more work to me.

Recording function calls vs actions

Another more subtle difference is..


See also How to test a router?

See also Favor real dependencies for unit testing

Appendix: myscm.py

  1. myscm.py
#!/usr/bin/env python

from unittest.mock import Mock
import doctest
import subprocess
import sys

class Trackable:

    def __init__(self):
        self.events = []

    def track_events(self, events):
        if events:
        return self

    def notify(self, event):
        for events in self.events:

class Events:

    def __init__(self):
        self.events = []

    def append(self, event):

    def __repr__(self):
        return "\n".join(self.events)

class App:

    def create(cls):
        >>> isinstance(App.create(), App)
        return cls(

    def create_null(cls, events, args):
        return cls(

    def __init__(self, save_command, share_command, terminal, args):
        self.save_command = save_command
        self.share_command  = share_command
        self.terminal = terminal
        self.args = args

    def run(self):
        I dispatch to the correct sub-command:

        >>> events = Events()
        >>> App.create_null(events, args=["save", "message"]).run()
        >>> events
        SAVE_COMMAND ['message']

        >>> save_command_mock = Mock()
        >>> App(
        ...     save_command=save_command_mock,
        ...     share_command=None,
        ...     terminal=None,
        ...     args=Mock(**{"get.return_value": ["save", "message"]})
        ... ).run()
        >>> save_command_mock.run.call_args_list

        >>> App.create_null(Events(), args=["save"]).run()
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: Expected one argument as the message, but got [].

        >>> save_command_mock = Mock()
        >>> App(
        ...     save_command=save_command_mock,
        ...     share_command=None,
        ...     terminal=None,
        ...     args=Mock(**{"get.return_value": ["save"]})
        ... ).run()
        >>> save_command_mock.run.call_args_list

        >>> events = Events()
        >>> App.create_null(events, args=["share"]).run()
        >>> events
        SHARE_COMMAND []

        >>> events = Events()
        >>> App.create_null(events, args=["unknown", "sub", "command"]).run()
        >>> events
        TERMINAL_WRITE 'Unknown command.'
        args = self.args.get()
        if args[0:1] == ["save"]:
        elif args[0:1] == ["share"]:
            self.terminal.write("Unknown command.")

class SaveCommand(Trackable):

    def create(cls):
        return cls(

    def create_null(cls, events=None):
        return cls(

    def __init__(self, process):
        self.process = process

    def run(self, args):
        >>> events = Events()
        >>> SaveCommand.create_null().track_events(events).run(["message"])
        >>> events
        SAVE_COMMAND ['message']

        >>> events = Events()
        >>> SaveCommand.create_null(events=events).run(['message'])
        >>> events
        PROCESS_RUN ['git', 'commit', '-a', '-m', 'message']

        >>> SaveCommand.create_null().run(['message', '--force'])
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: Expected one argument as the message, but got ['message', '--force'].
        self.notify(f"SAVE_COMMAND {args!r}")
        if len(args) != 1:
            raise ValueError(f"Expected one argument as the message, but got {args!r}.")
        self.process.run(["git", "commit", "-a", "-m", args[0]])

class ShareCommand(Trackable):

    def create(cls):
        return cls(

    def create_null(cls, events=None):
        return cls(

    def __init__(self, process):
        self.process = process

    def run(self, args):
        >>> events = Events()
        >>> ShareCommand.create_null(events=events).run([])
        >>> events
        PROCESS_RUN ['git', 'push']
        self.notify(f"SHARE_COMMAND {args!r}")
        self.process.run(["git", "push"])

class Terminal(Trackable):

    def create(cls):
        return cls(sys=sys)

    def create_null(cls):
        class NullStream:
            def write(self, text):
            def flush(self):
        class NullSysModule:
            stdout = NullStream()
        return cls(sys=NullSysModule())

    def __init__(self, sys):
        self.sys = sys

    def write(self, text):
        >>> events = Events()
        >>> Terminal.create().track_events(events).write("hello")
        >>> events
        TERMINAL_WRITE 'hello'

        >>> Terminal.create_null().write("hello")
        self.notify(f"TERMINAL_WRITE {text!r}")
        print(text, file=self.sys.stdout, flush=True)

class Args(Trackable):

    def create(cls):
        return cls(sys=sys)

    def create_null(cls, args):
        class NullSysModule:
            argv = ["null program"]+args
        return cls(sys=NullSysModule())

    def __init__(self, sys):
        self.sys = sys

    def get(self):
        >>> Args.create().get()

        >>> Args.create_null(args=["configured", "args"]).get()
        ['configured', 'args']
        return self.sys.argv[1:]

class Process(Trackable):

    def create(cls):
        return cls(subprocess=subprocess)

    def create_null(cls):
        class NullSubprocessModule:
            def call(self, command):
        return cls(subprocess=NullSubprocessModule())

    def __init__(self, subprocess):
        self.subprocess = subprocess

    def run(self, command):
        >>> events = Events()
        >>> Process.create().track_events(events).run(["echo", "hello"])
        >>> events
        PROCESS_RUN ['echo', 'hello']

        >>> Process.create_null().run(["echo", "hello"])
        self.notify(f"PROCESS_RUN {command!r}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if Args.create().get() == ["--test"]:

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