When I was researching the Zettelkasten method (a specific way to take notes), I ended up on Writing Slowly. It looked like this:

Screenshot of Writing Slowly website.

Besides the content, that I was also interested in, I thought that this was a nice looking blog. It had a clutter free UI, nice formatting, and support for pages and categories. I thought that I would like to have this as well. (My current blog that is hosted as a static site on GitHub Pages is in need for an update.)

Then I noticed this at the bottom of Writing Slowly:

Screenshot of Writing Slowly Micro.blog link.

It looks like Micro.blog hosts the blog. And that posts can be commented on via the Fediverse as well. This looks cool.

I started reading about it. Both in the book Indie Microblogging by Manton Reece and on their about and help page. I got more and more intrigued. I decided to try it out, and about a week after accidentally stumbling across Micro.blog, I had moved my blog there.

I’m looking forward to exploring this new universe at Micro.blog.